: +1647-613-3006

Supporting Your Success

We're here to help you succeed

When you make a commitment to join and work with the Grand Security, we make a commitment to be there to support your career and accomplishments. We are your team of professionals dedicated to helping you when you need it.


As soon as you are on-boarded you will be trained by security officer and will be given security knowledge and site specific training, you will receive ongoing support and training.

Our team at Grand Security puts a high effort in training you and expanding your customer service skills.

Job Expectations

1. Adaptability and flexibility – The ability to work effectively in the midst of changing needs, conditions and work responsibilities 

2. Attention to detail – The ability to perform work tasks that require significant attention or understanding 

3. Decision making – The ability to work effectively when analyzing problems, organizing information, resolving issues or generating solutions 

4. Degree of self-supervision – The ability to work effectively without supervision, including working remotely or when a supervisor is not available 

5. Degree of supervisor responsibility – The ability to work effectively in the role of supervisor, respecting organizational values and policies while meeting objectives 

6. Exposure to confrontational situations – The ability to work effectively when confronted by an individual or when encountering confrontational situations requiring the employee to take action 

7. Exposure to distractions – The ability to work effectively in the presence of visual, auditory or other distractions 

8. Tolerance of stressful environments – The ability to work effectively in a stressful environment, which may be caused by workplace processes or physical hazards such as noise, lighting, scents, chemicals and others

9. Exposure to distressed people – The ability to work
effectively when exposed to emotionally distressed individuals
in person or over the phone or other communication channels
such as social media 

10. Overlapping tasks – The ability to perform and/or monitor
more than one task or function at a time, and identify when
tasks or functions require attention 

11. Problem solving and analysis – The ability to work
effectively at solving problems and analyzing situations and

12. Working relationships – The ability to work well,
collaborate, and cooperate with
management, co-workers, or clients 

13. Physical demands – The ability to safely and effectively meet
the physical demands of the job 

14. Work endurance – The ability to effectively perform work
tasks for a long period of time with little opportunity for
breaks due to the nature of the work being performed This
also includes the ability to work regular, rotating, overnight or
on-call shifts 

15. Degree of isolation – The ability to work effectively without
regular contact with others This could include interacting
primarily through technology or infrequently, if ever, coming
together face-to-face